ALHAMDULILLAH! That's all I got to say. After 3 years in Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah, finally, Graduated!

It's super relieved cause I don't have any responsibilities yet mid night assignment lol This 3 years of beautiful journey might have ups and downs tapi dengan doa dan semangat dari Mak Abah, Kawan
Kawan, Alhamdulillah I manage to prove that I can do it :')

Along this 3 years, I'd like to thank to my Mak Abah especially. The power of your dua makes my dream comes true. Abah, Thank you for makes everything perfect; pakaian (every sem mesti Abah suruh beli baju kasut nak pergi class sebab kalau tak bersemangat nanti Abah cakap macam dah tak nak belajar :D), kereta (sebab tak dapat hostel on my last sem, so kereta sangat penting time ni) and FINANCIAL. To Mak, Thank you for always being there whenever I need help. Mak, your prayers and blessings are the keys to my success. This is for you both :")) To my lecturer, Thank you for all the knowledge. You are the best because you brought out the best for me.

To my man, Thank you for always be my ears when I needed. Thank u selama ni susah payah hantar pegi balik poli, thank you for always sacrifice your time. Beside you, your family had be so supportive towards me. Thank you to all of your family for the warmth and loving ambience!

I celebrate my graduation with mixed emations. Happy tu memang, tapi fact that aku dgn batchmates yang lepas ni dah buat haluan masing-masing rasa macam sedih dan tak percaya :"). I believed that deep down of our heart feels sad that we won't be seeing each other for a long time.

My name is spoken, ''Teh Zakiah Binti Mohd Baharudin'' on the same stage before this to recieved Best 3 Award for Final Year Project, is now I go up the stage once more, to recieve my Diploma. :)

3 years seemed to have come so soon. Wasn't it only yesterday that I entered BK, JKA, Lab as a freshie. As now, I stand at the stage, recieved my Diploma, I glance at the oval, staring at my parents, my loves one, my classmates, and say to my self, This Is It!

Kebaya Cotton by The.Primadona 
Bag: Duckscarves KL Totes in Black
Arared Jill Set in White. 
